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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


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JVEKARBEP2Fixed an issue where the contents are not displayed after editing if a Richtext field contains an image and "Store contents as HTML and MIME" is...
AYAVAQF7WZFix an issue where sent internet mail shows as "serif" font instead of "san serif"
Hide details for Full-text indexingFull-text indexing
TDOOAT6LK9Fixed a CPU spike when running dbmt (or updall/update task) and creating a full text index. This is a regression in 901FP9 caused by SPR...
Hide details for IMAPIMAP
ACHGA9VCHVFix an IMAP issue where it overrides an internet mail address of a location document
XLXZAFZCP2Fixed an issue where mails are displayed as unread in Notes after reading the mails on an IMAP client
Hide details for InstallInstall
CSAOAKF4XXFixed a Notes Client startup performance issue caused by Smart Upgrade initialization in a VMWare VDI.
Hide details for Japanese User Interface UpdateJapanese User Interface Update
CKUAAHB8PNFix an issue where it takes long time to open a DJX address list
SKAI9UW3JXFix an issue where the 'IDEXTRAFILENAME' parameter does not work in the Japanese Notes Client
THIO9KW2FHFix an issue where To Do From Japanese Notes does not contain the correct Japanese date format characters
THIO9L22J3Fix an issue where the date formats in the subject of Meeting invitations and Group To Do's are SBCS instead of DBCS
YNIAAT45QJFix a Notes crash when selecting a department entry in DJX
TSUA8RA5JWFixed an issue where the property box of database is truncated in the Japanese Client
Hide details for JavaJava
DDEY8RCKRGFix a leak in the back-end view class using the Domino data service.
KBRNAQKKK9This is to revert the code for the regression introduced in 901FP8 via SPR #RGAU9QLLUD.
JCORARTP64Memory overwrite on large FTSearch VEC collections. The fix can be enabled by setting notes.ini ENABLE_FTSEARCHVEC_FIX
HYUEAQ2JUQJVM Upgrade by Oracle released July 2017
Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
LAMY8X3498Fix inoperative "Maxdoc" parameter in Database.search method
YNABANLSUBFixed the error 4399 "Value Is Out Of Range" When Running Deleteuser Lotusscript. This was a regression introduced in 901FP8.
Hide details for MailMail
TOGAAF4DVBFixed an issue where folders are not contained in mail files on a migrated server
YMAAANADC7[iNotes] Fixed an issue where the alternate name in "To" field changes into the primary name on name finder.
YGAOAAQMHXFixed an issue where the mapped network drive is not visible (due to a long share name) when detaching attachments
MSAIAPGD9S[iNotes] Fixed an issue where a <br> tag is deleted when editing a mail via IE11.


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